Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Happiest Place on Earth...

Last weekend my best friend and I had a late birthday weekend for me in Disneyland. One would think that two college girls would want to go somewhere a bit more...provocative (if that's the right word) for a weekend get-a-way. Well, not us. Even though I just turned 22 and and am well on my way to my mid-twenties, I still feel like a 5 year old when it comes to Disneyland. Maybe it's because I grew up with Disney and took yearly trips to D-Land as a kid...or maybe I just don't want to accept this whole growing up thing. Either way, we had a blast.

My all-time favorite Disney movie is Alice in Wonderland, so it was only right to take a picture of the tea-cups. (No, neither Megan or I are in this picture...this ride makes us nauseous)

I want a life size tea-cup just like this one in my backyard...is that too much to ask?

After a long & hot (go figure the weekend we go down to LA they were having a heat wave) day at Disneyland...we freshened up and went to go have a little adult fun (not what you're thinking!). We had amazing fajita's and margarita's at a Mexican restaurant in Downtown Disney and then went to ESPN Zone to watch the USC vs. Washington State game (I was trying to have some cougar pride since my parents went to WSU butttt....they got their butt's handed to them by USC). After one drink, which is not like us AT ALL, we were so tired that we decided to go back to our hotel and call it a night.

Weekend roadtrips with the best friend are always a success, especially when Disneyland is thrown into the mix :)

until next time,

1 comment:

  1. Yea!! Excited as always to see a freshly updated blog. Love you. Glad you had fun in D-land. BTW... nice tourist tanks!!
