Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Virgo in me...

I should be completely enjoying my last precious days of summer...but a sinus infection got in the way. Since I've been stuck at home not feeling top notch I decided to use my time to organize...because everyone always feels better after organizing, or maybe that's just me...

Is it weird that I've found myself peeking into my closet just to look at how clean it is? This must be the Virgo in me...I have a dream that someday when I'm rich I'll have all the same kind of hangers, like the nice wood ones. Yes, I said when I'm rich, because right now I'm a broke college student who has wayyy better things to spend her money on than hangers.

Even with non-matching hangers, I am completely satisfied with the organization of my closet :)

It was a productive day.


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