Saturday, August 1, 2009

Watch out world...Suzanne Jenkins is now a blogger!

Well...this is officially my first time blogging, pretty exciting! I have a feeling it may take awhile to get situated into the world of blogging, being a complete rookie and all, I'm not even sure where to start! I've decided to start a blog for numerous reasons, here are a few:
  • My genius of an older brother, Brian, blogs for Pepperdine University's MBA program ( check it out!). Not that I have to be EXACTLY like him, but I'm trying...(I'll let you all know how that works out)
  • One of my best friends, Patty, also blogs...she is definitely one of the most creative people I know, and her blog oozes with it. Again, don't have to be exactly like her either...but i try :)
  • To all my family that lives in Washington and Arizona and friends that are all over the U.S. and across seas, you will now have a way to feel a little bit closer to me when I can't physically be with you.
  • Networking! It's all about who you know...
  • I have a crazy school year ahead of me and tons of new stuff going on...blogging about it will hopefully be as exciting for my readers as it's going to be for me!
  • Andddd...I'm what some people like to call an open book, there's not much I won't talk about. I haven't yet decided if that's a good thing or a bad thing, but either way, it'll sure make one heck of a blog...
So there ya have it, welcome to my blog everyone, stay tuned!!

And in case anyone forgot...Shark Week starts tomorrow night at 9pm on the Discovery Channel! (For those of you who don't know, I'm a shark fanatic)


  1. Super excited for your blog!!! Can't wait for the next post!

  2. Suzanne hope your feeling better. Wished we could see you more in Fresno!!!
